No one ever said it was easy. If anyone has or does, they were\are lying. But that doesn't mean life isn't worth it. Life is hard, difficult, a constant uphill battle, but it is always worth fighting for. ALWAYS!
Life takes work. Work on bettering yourself, work on improving your environment, and work on improving your future. Yes, it does take work, but what is so bad about work?
When we exercise and diet, we work for a better body. When we get into shape, we feel better, more energized, and literally happier. When we did/do homework, we don't work at it to stay stagnant in that subject. We work to learn, to create pathways in our minds and skills that enable us to understand and do better.
When we exercise and diet, we work for a better body. When we get into shape, we feel better, more energized, and literally happier. When we did/do homework, we don't work at it to stay stagnant in that subject. We work to learn, to create pathways in our minds and skills that enable us to understand and do better.
Some things come easy to some people, but that does not mean everything does. There may be people out there that give you the impression that life has given them everything that they wanted, and you may even covet what they have. But don't, not even for a second, judge them, assume that it was plainly and immediately given to them. They worked hard for what they have, or those they love have, they worked hard for what they have been given or what they give.
Life doesn't come easy to anyone, some may appear to have it easy, but you don't know them, you don't know what they've been through, what they're going through, or even what they truly want out of life. Don't assume to think that you get to judge them. But don't forget to love them.
Every single person here in this world, this life, is here by design. We all wanted the same thing before we came here, so here we all are.
So if something is hard for you, speak up. Receive the help you need. If you see someone struggle, stand up, give them the help that they need. But remember that we can't do everything for someone. We can't grow if we're coddled in a small space.
We must help each other to be adventurous, to be optimistic in our activities. To take defeat not as a failure, but as something constructive. It may be learning how to not get what you want, but that doesn't mean you can't have it, but that maybe you just won't be receiving it in the manner or way that you intended. But we don't have to receive things our way to grow and progress. Life is not designed that way.
Life is designed by God to give us trials and growing periods, tests of faith, diligence, hope, and sheer determination and power of will. Our agency and freedom to decide for ourselves is the only thing holding us back, but more importantly, it is the only thing that can move us forward.
We get to decide if the mountain is too high for us to climb, we get to decide if the water is too far to cross. But I will tell you this, that that mountain is never too high to climb, the water is never to far cross, because we can do anything with humility in our hearts and minds, and with the petition for the divine help of our Heavenly Father and his Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
We may not be able to overcome our obstacles immediately, but through divine help and through our devotion to God, we can overcome, achieve, and receive anything that we desire. It requires love, patience, diligence, and you guessed it, work. Work today, work tomorrow, work forever. But the thing to remember is that it won't always seem like work.
A marathon will seem long in the beginning, but as you work towards those 26.2 miles, you become stronger. The trek is no less difficult, and the task is not simpler, but as you continue to work, you become stronger. You become more able to accomplish that run.
One of the laws of Physics that I remember learning in high school was that if you have to mop the floor, you can do it quickly or do it slowly, but no matter what length of time, you will have the same result based on the Work that you put into the task. The only difference is, when you apply this to life, is efficiency.
Efficiency in a machine determines whether or not energy is being lost to loose objects, incorrect parts, and overall how well the maintenance has been done. If the machine has been properly taken care of, it will complete the task with greatest efficiency: the least amount of time for the best result possible.
We strive to be efficient. Efficient in our jobs, our relationships, and in our life in general.
One of our greatest fears is that we are useless. We have no purpose, no potential. But you do! We all do!
We were tasked to come here to earth. We were tasked to find the lights of truth in the sky full of darkness. Little do we know, that while we are tasked to learn, grow and gather this light, that on the other side of that blanket of night, others who have worked hard and who now desire to help us, are poking out holes. They are letting the light through, but if we don't work to keep the pinpoints open, we will be shrouded in darkness. We will be lost and wayward, like a ship with no lighthouse. But if we work to keep those truths in our hearts, they will expand from those tiny pinpoints of light. And, eventually, we will see as those who are trying to help us see: the entire light, and the entire truth, as it is, absolute!
Work is designed for improvement. Work is designed for innovation, for us to better ourselves, each other and the world around us. Work is designed for us to grow, progress in this part of our life, that we may know how to progress in the next. Your tasks may be hard, but they are not impossible. You are not alone. You have your brothers, your sisters. You have the very being that created the cosmos, and you have our Savior who arranged for us to be able to do the same.
He died for us, and rose, so we may rise again. He suffered for every wrong we have ever committed, whether we come to Him or not. He experienced everything, every joy, every pain, every loss, every gain.
He knows how your child with cancer feels every time he goes to receive chemotherapy. He knows how you felt when your loved one passed away, and knows how you long for them and their presence every single day. He knows how happy it is to hold a new child for the first time. He knows how it feels when someone is so depressed, that they take their own life. He knows how it feels to be rejected by your own, to be humiliated by your peers, to give love where it may never be acknowledged. But His love and gift to us does not have to be wasted.
We can receive Him every time he knocks on our door. We can have faith in Him and his sacrifice for our sins. And we can be forgiven by Him through our diligence and obedience to His laws.
He desires our fellowship, and for us to follow Him, as does our Heavenly Father. They desire us to gain the joy of truth. They desire us to achieve the greatest blessings that They can give. They desire us to not only receive Salvation, but also Exaltation. They long for every single individual to have ALL that They have, and it is attainable.
ALL that They have can be ours, through our work, our growth, our progression. Through our obedience to the divine laws that have been set before us. Through our exercised faith and hope in our Savior. Through our work towards Heaven, and not towards the World.
Work is the deciding factor. And how great is it that we can decide! We can choose this great thing, we can become Gods and Goddesses in Eternity! We can choose truth and unequivocal joy! But it's up to each of us, because when it comes to Eternity, we will never be forced to choose God or choose the devil. It's our decision as to how we deal with our trials, what we do, where we go, and what we want.
Find your divine desires, find the love for others and love for our Savior, as he has given nothing but love to each of us. Find your hope and faith in Him, and don't ever let it go. It is too precious, it is too sacred to forget and forsake. He loves us, He and our Father in Heaven. They know each and every one of us by name.
Don't give up, don't stop fighting for the divine truth in your life, and don't stop working towards the divinity that can be yours.
Life will take its turns, it will have its difficulties, and it most certainly will have its trials. But we have to remember that even though life is hard, it is worth it!